How do I use the Giving page?

A friendly heads-up

This article showcases some features available only for those subscribed to our all-in-one software solution, Flocknote Complete, and/or those using our secure payment processing for church fundraising & giving. Learn more about these powerful tools here!

Similar to how the Unolytics page gives you a bird's-eye view of the communication engagement on your network, the Giving Tracking page shows you a high-level view of all the giving and financial activity on your network. For more detailed looks at each of our giving features, check out the articles at the bottom of the page.

View Specific Date Ranges

The statistics on this page can be sorted by any set time period that you prefer:

Set up Customizable Funds

View the number of gifts and dollar amounts given by fund name and then click on each fund to see more detailed info, like individual households, the amounts given each day, and which payment method they used. You can also make Fund Settings changes, as well as export and print reports on this page.

Gather Detailed Stats 

After selecting specific date ranges, you can filter the view between the number of gifts or the amount given. From there, you can break those stats down further by fund designation and payment method used. 

Export Gifts to a Spreadsheet

If you'd like a printed-out report of your member's donations, you can do so by selecting the Export Icon next to Giving Summary or the title of the fund you have selected. Once you make your selection of the three options below, an Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded to your computer.

You'll have 3 options:

Export Giving Summary

This will generate a spreadsheet with a list of your funds, Fund ID (Designation ID) how many donations you received in the period selected, and how much is in that fund:

Export All Gifts

This will generate a spreadsheet that includes the household that donated, their associated envelope number, the amount of their donation, payment method, transaction status, reference number (for checks, etc), any memo included, the fund name, and the fund ID (Designation ID).

Export Combined Gifts

This option will generate a spreadsheet with more detailed information on your donors, including a salutation (if you have that added as a profile field), mailing address, email, phone, envelope number, and the combined total donation amount.

Record Gifts in Batches

Flocknote Complete subscribers can record gifts given outside of Flocknote either individually or in bulk batches on this main Giving Tracking page.

  • Click the green Record Gifts button at the top of the page. 
  • Select the date by clicking the calendar icon.
  • Enter in a special memo (optional) for the particular batch you are starting.
  • If you are currently tracking pledges for any campaigns, you will have the option to check a box to apply any applicable gifts in this batch toward member pledges.
  • When you are ready to begin, click the blue Enter a batch button. 

  • Once on the input page, type in the various boxes to add info. You can input by envelope # or locate specific member profiles by typing out their names until a dropdown appears.

  • Click the caret "v" icons to open up dropdowns for selecting which fund the payment was made to and select which payment method was used. You can even split a payment between two funds by choosing to + Add another Fund and entering how much of the total payment should be allocated to each.

  • Make sure to click the green Save button after each gift and then the green Complete button when done with your batch. 

Import Gifts via a Spreadsheet: 

  • Click the green Add Gifts button in the top right-hand corner and instead of starting a batch, click Import a File.

  • From there, simply upload the file (in CSV or XLS format) from your computer (see example below). Please note that the only columns needed are envelope number, fund designation, and the dollar amount given. You can also have a column for payment type and specific dates. You can also set it as one date by adjusting the Batch Date (see picture above).

We recommend formatting your spreadsheet like this:

If you've already added envelope numbers to all members' profiles 

that you're importing gifts for, your spreadsheet can look like this: 

🚨IMPORTANT NOTE: Giving data is recognized by envelope number. If you have not added envelope numbers to member profiles, you will need to format your spreadsheet with an envelope number column + an email address column to identify the number and tell the system to add that envelope number to their profile. If you import data for an envelope number that does not yet exist in your network and you do not include an email address to attach it to, the data will not be added to a profile until that specific envelope number has been assignedOnce it's assigned, all historical imports with that envelope number will be added to that specific member's profile or household at that time.

Manage My Giving and Public Pages: 

Churches who have enabled secure payment processing will see blue Public Page buttons beside each of their funds, as well as a main blue Manage My Giving Page button at the top of their list of funds.

  1. Manage My Giving Page- Clicking this blue button will bring you to the unique page for your church that allows your members to give a gift to any public funds, track their pledges for a campaign, view recent transactions, access their tax summaries, and see their year to date giving. This page is customizable to your needs. Learn more HERE.
  2. Public Page beside individual funds - Clicking this blue button will bring you to the unique page members can use to give to this specific fund.

These pages can be shared easily with your members by copying the unique URL, and then sharing that link on your church website, social media, or anywhere you'd like! There are also additional sharing settings within each fund for QR codes and flyers!

ADDITIONAL FEATURES include automatic email receipts, printable/exportable reports, and donor summaries (end-of-year tax statements). If you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback, contact your friendly Happiness Engineers at! 👍

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