My Dashboard, My Notes, and Unolytics Explained

The My Dashboard, My Notes, and Unolytics pages are three of the most powerful tools at your disposal when communicating with your flock. Here's what you can do with each! Check out the video for a full rundown, or scroll down for more explanation on specific features:

My Dashboard 

The neatest part about the new My Dashboard page is your news feed. We'll list for you all the updates from both the groups you belong to AND all the groups you have access to (in keeping with your status as a regular member or an admin, of course):

Here are the things you'll find in your news feed updates:

  • When a note's been sent (and who sent it)
  • When a note's been edited (and who edited it)
  • When someone replies to / comments on a note
  • When a note draft's been saved or scheduled for later
  • New admin assignments
  • When someone new joins a group
  • Event RSVPs
  • Poll votes

PLUS! You'll also notice that  The Library and your Referral Link are on the right-hand side of the My Dashboard panel.


Think of this page as a high-level overview of your network's analytics. Named after our Flocknote mascot, Uno (read more about Uno and Flocknote's Mission here), Unolytics gives you insights into your network so you can connect with your members and build a more connected church.

Here's what you can do with Unolytics:

1. Pick your desired Date Range:

2. View Note-sending Activity, which shows you (on the left) an overview of your groups' activity in your selected timeframe and (on the right) a detailed list of who's been sending notes, and through what avenues. 

3. View new members in your network with (on the left) a handy little graph spanning your selected date range and (on the right) a detailed list of which groups have grown, and how those members joined each group. 

4. View your best communicators, which shows (on the left) your note analytics averages across your entire network for that date range and (on the right) a detailed list of:

  • Number of notes sent
  • Email open rate for that group
  • The percentage of the notes that have been sent as text messages 
  • How many commenters have replied to a group's notes

5. You can also log your church's attendance -- daily or weekly -- and we'll graph it for you (on the left). Once you add in attendance and giving (on the right), refresh your page and you'll see the graph update on the lefthand side.

This is a great way to be able to share how you're doing on attendance with all your other admins at your church, keeping everyone on the same page as you work together to reach your goals.

Giving Tracking and Analytics: Want to see a breakdown of your member's giving including how they give and where? Check out the Giving tab where you can record donations with Flocknote Complete and if you've enabled our Online & Mobile Giving features, those donation stats are recorded for you! Learn more HERE.

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