How to Import Members

Learn the proper way to format your spreadsheet for easy import HERE! Once you have your properly formatted spreadsheet ready, check out the video below to see how you can import

To import:

1. Log in to Flocknote and select the name of a group from the column on the left

2. Select the People tab.

3. Select Import.

4. Click the blue Upload a file button to browse to the saved file on your computer and upload it.

5. As seen in the video above, you can merge your columns based on the information in your spreadsheet. You can toggle between Profile and Spreadsheet view in the lower left-hand corner of the importer, based on your preferences. The Profile view will show you exactly what the member's profile will look like (fancy pants!) and the Spreadsheet view brings your spreadsheet to life and allows you to view the info and merge columns as if you were viewing it in your spreadsheet.

6. Clicks Looks Good! and you'll be off to the races.

One more thing, you'll want to check out those checkboxes.

Here's what each checkbox signifies:

  • Override existing data in Flocknote with any differing data in this spreadsheet - checking this box means that any data in your spreadsheet will override data already in your network.

    For example, if has a phone number on file, and you’re importing a spreadsheet with and a new phone number, then the new phone number on the spreadsheet will replace the existing one.

  • Recognize names that may already exist in Flocknote - if you have any names in your network without an email address and phone number (i.e. a profile with only a name), and you import someone with that same name, checking this box will add the new profile info from the spreadsheet to the existing member in your network, instead of creating a new member profile.
  • Include members who previously left or were removed from the group - if you have members who may have been part of your network or group previously and either removed themselves or were removed by an admin, selecting this box will add them back.

Here are a few handy tips when doing an import:

    • If you can, it's best to upload your contacts by group, instead of uploading them to the everyone list and then moving them around. 
    • The import feature is smart enough to weed out duplicates. If the same email or phone is on your spreadsheet 3 or 4 times, the system will skip over those duplicates. It will let you know before you complete the import so you will have the chance to assign unique contact information for each member on your spreadsheet.
    • Similarly, if you import a contact to a group that is already on file with another group, the system won't duplicate them, it will just pull up their existing record.

      Stuck? Email your spreadsheet to us at and let us know the group you are working with and we'll help you get things imported :)

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