Financial Controller for Online Giving

As you get started with verifying information to enable Online & Mobile Giving features, you'll be asked if you are the Financial Controller and if not, to provide an email for them. This will allow the responsible party to fill out the verification information and handle sensitive financial information.

Important notice: The controller is the only one able to complete the account verification process required by our secure payment-processing partner, Stax Payments, Inc.

What do financial controllers do?

  • Handle disputes
  • Upload essential documents
  • Update settlement/banking information

Essentially, whoever fulfills these financial roles at your church or organization (typically the bookkeeper or business manager) would be the best person to have assigned as the controller.

Not the right person for this role?

If you select "No" you can enter the email for the correct person who can assume this role. From there, they'll be sent an email with a link to complete the verification process and will be responsible for verification documents, disputes, and settlement/banking information.

Questions? Contact the friendly Flocknote Happiness Engineers at! 😃

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