Fundraising with a Smart Button

Within the email version of the Note Composer, you can include a Smart Button which makes it easy for your members to click and perform a variety of actions. The article below shows how to use the Smart Button for fundraising purposes with Flocknote's Online Giving, available on all Flocknote networks, but you can learn about all the other button actions here.

To start, open the email version of the Note Composer

Click the pointy finger icon from the toolbar.

Then, select the chain link icon in the upper right hand of the Smart Button to tell it what action to take. Click the ' v ' icon to choose from the available dropdown options. 

For the purpose of fundraising, you can select Pledge to a Campaign, Give a gift, or Manage My Giving from the dropdown menu. If you select Pledge to a Campaign or Give a gift you'll be prompted to select which Campaign or Fund for your members to pledge or donate towards, so members can click and be taken directly to that Campaign or Fund to make a donation easily. If you select the Manage My Giving option, that will take your members directly to the Manage My Giving page, learn more about that page and how to set it up HERE.

BONUS STYLING TIP: If you have not already formatted the button or typed words into it, your Smart Button's color will automatically default to the color of the fund (pre-determined via each fund's settings on the Giving page).

The pre-filled text and color can still be changed if desired by clicking the paintbrush icon within the Smart Button toolbar.

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