Linking Groups to Signup Forms

Did you know you can easily link groups to your Signups?🎉

This means that when folks utilize your Signup (whether it's to respond to a poll, sign up for Sunday Mass or service, volunteer for an event, etc.) they can automatically be added to a group. This is a great way to keep track of and stay in contact with members who use your Signups!

Creating New Linked Groups

To create new linked groups, simply click Respondent Data at the top menu of your Signup. From there, you'll either have a list of three options or respondent data with the custom field info. If you see a button that says Respondent Options, click that and from there you can export respondents, add all respondents to an existing group, or create new linked groups. Select Create linked groups.

Members who sign up for an item will automatically be added to the linked group! This is great, for example, to keep your volunteers organized. That way you can communicate and send out specific reminders based on what a member signs up for. 

Linking to Existing Groups

You can also easily link your Signups to existing groups in your account! Simply choose a specific Signup item (as opposed to the entire Signup) and link just that item/slot to an existing group. 

To do this, follow these easy steps:

1. Click on the item.

2. Select Respondents

3. Select Link to a group

  1. Finally, scroll from the list and choose the group you'd like the item to be linked to!

Members who sign up for this item will automatically be added to that linked group! This is great if your Signup is related to a group that already exists in your account! 

Adding Members to a Group

You can also easily add members who sign up for an item/slot to an existing group! This is a little different from linking your Signup item to a group. This instantly adds all your members who have already signed up for an item into an already existing group. If you are hosting an event that might contain members interested in a related group, this is a great way to get members who signed up plugged into your group!

This is also super helpful if a Signup is closed and members will no longer be signing up. You can still get those members added to the right group so they can continue to hear from you! 

You can easily add all members who have signed up by clicking the Respondent Data option on the top menu of the Signup. From there, select Add all respondents to a group or if you have customizable fields, click the Respondent Options button then select Add all respondents to a group.

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