Using Reports for Sacrament Prep
Flocknote Complete
This guide showcases features available only for those subscribed to our all-in-one software solution, Flocknote Complete. If you would like to learn more about these exciting features, click HERE. 🎉
As part of Flocknote Complete, we offer attendance and participation tracking features! Use it for church attendance, Sacrament prep, VBS registration, school attendance -- there are countless ways to use Reports to make your life easier! Check out this video below to see it in action for Sacrament Prep:
In the video
Put Default Columns to use
All reports have 3 default columns to help you get started: Checklist, Text, and Number Columns. You can rename these columns by clicking the text at the top of the column, or you can remove them by hovering over the name until the three horizontal lines appear.
Here we hovered over the default Text Column heading to rename it, "Sponsor Name." Once we had our column title set, we can type the names of our sponsors next to the student names below.
Sponsor name isn't the only thing you can track in this column. Type in any data you can think of! From allergies to ministry assignments, the Text column is a blank canvas ready for your data!
Pull in Sacrament or Profile Field data
In addition to being able to add new data to a Report, you can also pull in existing data from all over Flocknote. In this example, we pulled in Sacrament data (Baptismal Date and Record) as well as some Custom Profile Field data (T-shirt size.)
To start, click the plus sign (+) next to any existing column header. From the pop-up, select Profile Field. Then, select the profile field that you'd like to add or select Sacraments to search through that data.
Just like that, you've pulled this data into your Report! The data in these fields are dynamic, meaning any information updated for these fields (inside the Report) will also update on your members' profiles - making record keeping easier than ever!
Using Reports for attendance is just the start. Visit: How to Use Reports to learn Reports basics and see more ways to put Reports to use!
Are you looking for a way to store the sacramental data of your members (including certificates!)? Do you want them to be able to add that information themselves? Check out our Sacramental Tracking feature! Learn more HERE.