Using Flocknote For Religious Education

We've seen churches use Flocknote in so many creative and innovative ways. One creative way is utilizing Flocknote Complete, for their religious education programs (and with the many uses of our Reports feature, we're making it even easier.) If you're looking for information on how this can be done, you've come to the right place!

How can I use my Flocknote Starter Subscription for religious education?

Great question! Flocknote's capability to segment your members into groups and subgroups makes it easy to add people to groups based on the class they are in. You can assign religious education teachers/catechists as Group Admins so they can access the contact info for the members (or parents of children) in their class. Here is an example of how this can be organized:

Using your regular Flocknote subscription, you can send text messages or emails to members regarding classroom changes, cancellations, reminders to bring materials or that signed permission slip, and so much more! 

What about Flocknote Complete? Would having this add-on be helpful for religious education? 

Absolutely! You can take things to the next level by managing your religious education program using Flocknote Complete. Check it out:

  • Use custom profile fields to track sacramental records, add private remarks about food allergies or household relationships, track students' t-shirt sizes, conduct registration...literally any type of information needed from your students and/or their parents.
  • Upload documents to keep records on file (whether sacramental or a simple permission slip) 
  • Add remarks to track specific, relevant details on a student or parent (you can make these visible to the members themselves or just Admins for internal notes.)
  • Use Reports to track attendance, keep up with sacramental preparation, prepare for retreats, manage registrations for your programming, and more.

And now introducing: Family and Visitor Registration 🎉

Collecting information for Religious Education is now a breeze with our NEW Family and Visitor Registration feature! Group students and parents into households, prompt them to fill out additional information such as baptism date, allergies, etc, and collect their payment info in minutes. Learn more here: Explore the NEW Family and Visitor Registration.

Can you share some benefits of using Flocknote Complete for religious education? 

You betcha! 

  • Information is stored in a safe-environment environment-compliant way
  • The information is available for following years and can be exported and imported to new groups, so parents don't have to fill out a new form every year 
  • Save paper (and costs of printing!)
  • Parents can update their information as well as student information anytime throughout the year (address, numbers, allergies, etc.)
  • Admins can filter by custom profile fields to see who has not completed information, and target parents and students to complete forms or missing information
  • All communication happens on Flocknote, so it's easy to text and email parents quickly about completing forms and updating them about classes and easy for teachers and facilitators as well 

Our team of Happiness Engineers is here to help walk you through setting this up in a way that works best for your parish. Because of the customizable nature of Flocknote Complete, there are many ways to use the various features, and we're just an email away if you need a hand! You can reach us at :)

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