How to add Customizable Fields to your Signups

Now with Customizable Signup Fields, you can collect additional information on your registrants directly from a Signup! Whether you need to know your retreatant's shirt sizes, need them to upload a document, or your volunteer's birthdays, we've got you covered!

Flocknote Complete

This guide showcases features available only for those subscribed to Flocknote Complete. To learn more, click here. 🎉

Creating a Customizable Signup Field

The following instructions focus on creating Customizable Signup Fields. For an in-depth guide on how to use the Signup feature, click HERE.

After you have selected the Signup type and added a title, you can start adding spot/item/seat/votes to your Signup. Type in the max number of slots per item and the total available slots. Then, click Add Item.

Now you can begin adding your customizable fields. click the Add a new field button. *To continue adding items without adding any custom fields for this item, click Next instead.

A page with several field options will pop up. If you have been collecting additional information with a customizable field on a previous Signup or with a Profile Field, you will have the option to add these to the current Signup in one click.

Or you can scroll down to create a brand new field. 👍

Quick Tip! Members can upload documents to a Custom Profile Field! This means that you can prompt members to upload forms and documents directly from a Signup by adding the File Upload profile field! You can also track documents on Reports, through their profiles, and so much more! Click here for more details.

*Note: the member information collected by Customizable Signup Fields will be stored on a unique Report and will not update a member's profile within Flocknote unless you choose to sync an existing profile field from the "From Profiles" section.

Whether you are adding a previously used or brand new field, simply click on its square to begin adding it to your Signup. From here, follow the prompts to customize the field. Be sure to click Save when you are finished.

Repeat this process as many times as necessary using the Add a new field button.

To use the same Customizable Signup Fields for all of the items on your Signup, click the Copy fields to all items button. In the example below, I want to collect shirt sizes and allergies for each grade (1-5) so I have selected the Copy fields to all Items button.

Sharing your Signup

You can share your Signup on your website, social media pages, etc using a public link or you can easily attach your Signup to a Flocknote text or email. You will find these options at the bottom of the page 👍

What will Customizable Signup Fields look like for my members?

To get a sneak peek of what your members will see, click the Preview button shown in the picture above ⬆️ or to get a more general look at what members will see, check out the video below!

During the sign-up process, your members will be asked to enter their email/phone number so that we can send them a verification code. If they are an existing member of your network, we'll recognize them and pull up all the information you already have on file for them. This will make the sign-up process even faster!

If they are a new member or an existing member with missing information, they can type in their answers and/or click the blue down arrow to select their answer from the options provided. Once they have entered their information, they will be able to add additional members to the Signup by clicking the Add someone else button. Once the Signup is complete, all they need to do is click Sign Me Up and they are all set. 🎉

Respondent Data

Customizable Signup Fields make it easy to see all your respondent's data in one place. To review the data for a particular Signup, click the Respondent Data tab. This will bring up a Report of all of the information you have collected including what time items your members Signup up for as well as any info they entered for the Customizable fields.

You can also click the More Options button at the bottom of the page to export the data, add your respondents to a group, or create linked groups.

We hope this helps! If you have any other questions about Extended Fields, feel free to reach out at

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