Donor Receipts for Online Giving

Will donors get receipts for payments?

Yes, donors will automatically be sent receipts for Online Giving donations. We will default to sending receipts via email but if they only supply their phone number (or only have a phone number on their existing profile), then we will text them the receipt.

Have donors with recurring payments? No problem! For recurring payments, a receipt is sent after each payment is processed. If your donor is making an ACH payment (payment from their bank account), we will also send a reminder notification ten days before each payment will be processed so that they are never surprised by a charge. 👍 (Please note that this notification is required by law and cannot be removed.)

Receipts will include:
  • Church name & address
  • Dollar amount paid 
  • Specific fund & network the payment is for 
  • Last 4 digits of the giver's card number
  • Date of payment
  • Authorization code (not available for ACH payments or text receipts)
  • Transaction ID
  • How the payment will appear on their card statement (not yet available for text receipts)
  • Contact info for Flocknote's Happiness Engineers to support your members - this is the default setting but you can also add one of your staff member's emails instead (learn how below).
Email receipts will look like this: 

Text receipts will look like this:

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at We're happy to answer any other questions you might have.

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