Working with Funds
A friendly heads-up
This article showcases some features available only for those who use Flocknote for online giving and/or subscribe to Flocknote Complete. Learn more about these powerful tools here.
To create a new fund:
Currently, you'll need to add gifts FIRST before being able to create a new individual fund. However, to save time, you can create multiple funds (and add their respective gifts at the same time) via a giving import or a giving batch. Learn how to do either with the articles at the bottom of the page.
The options below show you how to create an individual fund.
Option 1:
This option will only be available if you've already added any gifts/batches in the past.
1. Go to the Giving page from the lefthand sidebar.
2. Click the green + Add Fund button.
3. Fill out the fund details and click the gray Save button. Boom – done!
Option 2:
For churches who have a Flocknote Complete (formerly Flocknote People) subscription:
1. Go to the People page of a group that contains a member you'd like to record a gift/donation for.
2. Click on the name of the member and select the Giving tab of their profile.
3. Click the green Record a gift button. If you've never added or edited funds, it will default with "General Fund". Highlight it and type over with your new fund name.
4. Provide the rest of the details, click Save, and the fund will be created with the gift record added.
To edit fund settings:
1. Click on the fund name from the list of funds on the main Giving page to expand that fund's details.
2. Set the color that signifies that fund in graphs/charts by clicking the colored circle and selecting your preferred color.
3. Then, click the grey cogwheel icon from the taskbar.
4. From here, you can edit the fund's name, provide a brief description, and set the tax-deductible status. Please note: funds that are not marked as tax-deductible will be excluded from end-of-year donation summaries.
Additional settings for our Online & Mobile Giving users:
Churches using our online giving features will see these additional options in the Fund Settings:
- Hide this fund's Public Page—check this box to choose not to include this fund on your church's Manage My Giving page. Members will not be able to give directly to this fund online but you can still apply gifts to this Fund internally.
- Allow recurring gifts to this fund—check this if you'd like members to set up a recurring gift for this fund. Click HERE to learn more about setting up recurring giving.
- Hide confetti after a successful payment—you can turn confetti on or off depending on if confetti is not appropriate when giving to this fund.
- Show a custom message after a payment has been made—use this to create a custom thank you or additional message when a payment has been made to your fund.
- Public Page Link—Use this unique URL to direct members to give online to this fund.
- Enable Text-to-Give to this Fund—Check this box to set up a Text-to-Give keyword that members can use to give a predetermined amount towards this fund.
- Allow adding a memo—This setting will allow members to write a memo with their payment.
- Payment Type—Use this dropdown menu to select the right word for this payment. Is it a donation, gift, or payment?
- Suggested Amounts—When members visit the Public Page for this fund they will be given these suggested amounts to choose from (or they may enter their own amount.) You can adjust these numbers, or remove some or all of them to change what is suggested.
- Add On Gifts—Allow members to cover the transaction fees (can be required or optional), and suggest other add-on gifts to different funds in your network. You can have up to three add-on gifts per fund.
- Unique QR Code and Promo Flyer— Click here to download a unique QR Code (PNG file) for members to scan and access the fund's giving page. Click Promo Flyer that you can download and print out for members to give to your Church.
To rearrange fund orders:
Select the Sort button to sort the order based on name, the amount given, or the number of gifts.
You can also rearrange the default order by dragging and dropping each fund in the list to the spot you prefer.
To delete a fund:
1. Click on the fund name from the list of funds on the main Giving page to expand that fund's details.
2. Click the grey cogwheel icon from the taskbar.
3. Click the Delete Fund button. (If the fund has gifts recorded, the system will ask you to transfer those gifts to another fund. Select the fund from the dropdown and then click Delete fund and transfer gifts).
Giving Pages:
Churches who have our Online & Mobile Giving enabled will see blue Public Page buttons beside each of their funds, as well as a main blue, Manage My Giving Page button at the top of their list of funds. You can customize the Manage My Giving Page with your Church's branding and logo. Learn more HERE.
- Manage My Giving Page - Clicking this blue button will bring you to the unique page for your church that displays links to give to each of your funds. Members who visit this page can log in to give a donation, view their giving history, tax statements, active pledges, and recent transactions
- Public Page - beside individual funds - Clicking this blue button will bring you to the unique page members can use to give to this specific fund.
These pages can be shared easily with your members by copying the unique URL, and then sharing that link on your church website, social media, or anywhere you'd like!