How to hold a Signup Sunday (and encourage Text-to-Join)
Check out this video to re-watch our most recent Sign-up Sunday webinar!
When you are ready to hold a Signup Sunday – introducing your new communication ability to your congregation and have them use the Text-to-Join process (more on text-to-join here) – here's the simple step-by-step:
- Download, edit, and print out our handy Signup Sunday script: Sample announcement script
- Download and print your network's customized Launch Card and 8.5x11 flyer graphics: Flyer Graphics & Other Resources
- Drop a graphic like the one below in your bulletin a week prior to the announcement, to remind folks to bring their phones to church (Bring your cell phone to church next Sunday!).
On Sunday, make a clear and enthusiastic announcement, following the script, and after handing out the custom cards/flyers.
NOTE: We also have these member info sheets that are helpful in providing more details as to why you are using Flocknote and what it means for your member.
The video below goes into more detail about how to hold a Sign-Up Sunday, if you'd like to learn more!
How to Hold a Signup Sunday from Flocknote on Vimeo.
Important Note:
When advertising your church's text-to-join keyword online or in print, the following verbiage must also be included:
Text STOP to 84576 to stop txt notifications at any time. Text HELP for help. There is no charge for this service, but your carrier message and data rates may apply. View privacy policy & terms at