How do I cancel my Flocknote network for my church or organization?

Looking to close the Flocknote network you set up on behalf of your church or organization? We're sad to see you go, but we'd be happy to help with the steps below. Please note: only those with billing privileges will be able to cancel a network.

Looking to cancel Flockote Complete or Word on Fire ENGAGE? If so, please refer to the articles at the bottom of the page.

Moving to a new position, retiring, or off to a new adventure? Click here to appoint a new Super Admin and keep Flocknote running at your church or ministry.

To cancel your network:

  1. Click on the More menu button (It's a gray button labeled with ...)
  2. Select Billing from the menu that appears.
  3. On the Billing pop-up, select the red Cancel Network button at the bottom

Is there a particular reason you're wanting to cancel? Please reach out to our Happiness Engineers at and let us know if there's any way we can better support you and your ministry. We appreciate any and all feedback! 🙏❤️

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