How to Merge Profiles

Say goodbye to duplicate profiles because Flocknote now has an automatic merging tool! This ensures your data is accurate and also reduces costs by potentially lowering your total member count. Amen to that! 🙌

To review a pending merge:

Most of the work will be done by the system in the background auto-magically! However, if there is an account merge that needs further confirmation, you'll see this reflected by a yellow box on both profiles. Click the blue Review button on one of the profiles.

😮💨 Heads up! If one of the members for the merge is an Admin. The Admin themself is the only one who can approve the merge (since they are the only ones who can update their contact information). Not to worry - the system will send them an email letting them know to log in and reconcile their info! 

You'll then be able to see both profiles that are pending a merge and either click No, these are different people to keep the profiles completely separate...or Yes, these are the same person and the profiles will combine.

↑ In the case above, these were obviously two separate members so clicking the gray button will keep them separate.

↓ In the case below, it's highly likely that these are duplicate profiles for the same person, so they can be merged if preferred.

From there, you can select which contact info, name, and photo to keep on their profile, etc. When you're done reviewing, select Finalize the Merge.

Boom – done! You've merged those profiles, lowered your total member count to reduce costs, and your member is now set up with the most accurate data. Wins all around! 🙌

To initiate a merge:

Let's say you see two profiles and know they are for the same person. In the example below, you've talked to Fred and confirmed that's his best email and phone number and so you'd like to merge the duplicate profiles.


The next step is to go to one of his profiles (like the one with just his phone number) and then simply add his email to that profile. The system will recognize his other profile and start the merge! Most of the work will be done by the system in the background auto-magically. In some cases, you may need to review the merge and you'll see that indicated with a splash on the profile. Simply follow the steps (in the section above) to review the and select the information you want to keep. Select Finalize the Merge and then you're done!

His profiles will merge into one with the information you selected to keep:

To locate those with pending merges:

On the People tab of any group, click the purple Filter button to open up the Filter & Bulk Action Tool. Select Filter > Contact Info > Account Merging.

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