How much does Flocknote Complete cost?

Flocknote Complete

This guide showcases features available only for those subscribed to our all-in-one software solution, Flocknote Complete. If you would like to learn more about these exciting added features, click HERE. 🎉

How much does Flocknote Complete cost? 

Your regular Flocknote network pricing (Flocknote Starter) is based on the total number of members in your network and you can find the full info at Flocknote Complete is an all-in-one household database subscription package available to add to your existing Flocknote network for a flat-rate price of $75 / month (no matter the size of your church.)

What if I need to cancel a Flocknote Complete?

You can do that in just a few clicks! You'll find the steps to do that in the article at the bottom of the page.

Please note: If you have any questions about your bill, please send an email to and we'll be happy to look into it. 👍

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