What is a family profile? How do I work with a member's profile?
👀 This help guide is for networks with Flocknote Complete! Explore the future of using Flocknote as your all-in-one software solution. 🎉
How to navigate a Family Profile:
Intro to Family Profiles - watch the video below!
Let’s take a look at what you’ll see now when you click into a household:
At the top where it says “The Flintstone Family” you’ll see the option to Add a Family Member, this is where you can add any additional family members to this household.
Starting from the left side down, you’ll see the Family Info tab which contains their membership status and any profile fields shared within the household.
From there, you’ll notice the Giving tab which has the household giving information and is a place where you can record additional gifts.
When you click on an individual member:
After selecting the member, you’ll notice a menu with all of the previous tabs you are used to from a member’s profile. You can view their latest activity, info which will include any filled-out profile fields, the groups they are in, and their notification preferences, documents, sacraments, remarks, relationships, and permissions.
The two new options here are Relationships and Permissions. Now you have a separate tab to assign the relationship that this member has with other members of the family as well as proxy contacts.
Permissions used to be in the Info tab of a member’s profile but now it has its own tab where you can assign additional permissions for billing, inputting/viewing giving data, and editing sacramental data.
If you have any questions about this feature or anything else, you can reach out to us at help@flocknote.com