How do I add Word on Fire ENGAGE to my network?
We know many churchgoers are drifting from our parishes or becoming lukewarm in their faith. Because of this, Flocknote has teamed up with Word on Fire to offer ENGAGE completely free with our Flocknote Complete package!
With ENGAGE you can send individual Word on Fire videos and mini-courses to your parishioners in outgoing messages, but that's not all! You can also enrich your parishioner's faith with full access to the Word on Fire Digital Library on-demand! 🎉
Getting Started:
Any Super Admin can upgrade to Flocknote Complete (which includes ENGAGE) in just a few clicks. Select Upgrade Now from the Flocknote Complete splash on your Dashboard or from the Billing section of your network:

Once Flocknote Complete has been added to your network, click on the Library on the right-hand side of your Flocknote dashboard to preview all of the faith-building content available with ENGAGE!
If you have any questions, please contact our team by emailing