Pre-Made, Customizable Emails & Texts from Word on Fire ENGAGE

✅Flocknote has partnered with Word on Fire to bring you ENGAGE – included FREE with the Flocknote Complete package. Using the most effective means of communication today (texting and email), you can easily evangelize, catechize, and engage your parishioners, even when they're not at Mass, through Bishop Barron's high-quality and intelligent video content.

When you get ENGAGE, you'll have access to high-quality videos and mini-courses short videos and films that have been Emmy-nominated, aired on Public Television, and viewed by millions around the world. This content is available exclusively to those using Flocknote. With Word on Fire ENGAGE, you can now go beyond simple announcements and truly evangelize and catechize your parishioners with engaging and transformative videos and films. Featuring Bishop Robert Barron, one of the most effective Catholic evangelists today, these videos have led to countless conversions, reversions, and transformed lives. Many people have described them as the most engaging Catholic videos they've ever seen.

ENGAGE is much more than a video library. It's a revolutionary new way to communicate and evangelize. Instead of waiting for parishioners to log in somewhere and discover videos on their own, ENGAGE allows you to send premium videos directly to them via email or text. Best of all, they can immediately watch and reply back without setting up an account, using a code, or requiring a password. The barrier of entry is extremely low which makes the engagement extremely high.

We provide you with several mini-courses from Bishop Barron. Each course includes a series of pre-written emails and texts (optimized for engagement), short videos from Bishop Barron, and a place for parishioners to discuss the content. Also, through Word on Fire ENGAGE, your parishioners get 100% access to the Word on Fire Digital library, so they can watch any of Bishop Barron's films and study programs on any device, whenever they'd like.
  • ENGAGE Inactive Parishioners - Word on Fire ENGAGE makes it easy and effective to reach inactive parishioners wherever they are on devices they use every day. It's one of the few ways to engage and reactivate them.
  • ENGAGE Sunday-Only Parishioners - Word on Fire ENGAGE keeps you in touch with parishioners throughout the week, providing short videos and mini-courses to boost their faith.
  • ENGAGE Small-Group Members - Word on Fire ENGAGE supports small group programs with video access and free study guides to encourage more attendance and keep everyone up-to-date.

With ENGAGE you won't just dump hundreds of videos onto your parishioners and hope they find the time or interest to watch the right videos, at the right time, on their own. Under that scenario, most parishioners will log in once or twice, watch a couple of videos, and then never come back. But with ENGAGE you'll easily walk parishioners through short, guided mini-courses and film series so your community is watching and discussing the same videos together. It keeps them active and engaged and makes sure the videos aren't just lying dormant. Instead of waiting for them to seek out content, you bring the content and discussion to them.

We'll also give your entire parish access to the Word on Fire Digital library (which normally costs $19.95/person/ the math to determine how much that would normally cost your whole parish) AND access to all leader and study guides digitally (this typically costs parishes $1,000s/month)

To learn more about ENGAGE, you can always email your Happiness Engineers at with any questions :)

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