I didn't expect a login code. Why did I receive one?
Flocknote now uses super secure 4-digit codes as a part of our login system. Every once in a while you may receive a code you weren't expecting. Here are a few reasons why this could happen:
If you are looking for more details about how to log into your account, click here.
- 📱 Phone Fumble: Every so often another Flocknote user may accidentally enter your phone number rather than their own on our login page. We've all been there - typing too fast or not paying attention. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about as they are not able to access your account without the code. Most likely they will retry their login with the correct information and be on their way.
- Forwarding Emails: Let's say you forwarded a Flocknote email. If the recipient clicks a link inside the email, this could prompt a login code to be sent to you. First things first, we don't recommend forwarding emails that you receive from Flocknote because of something called tokenized links. You can learn more about that here. The good news is that we still have you covered. 👍 If you do end up forwarding a Flocknote email (which does increase your risk) rest assured that we prevent other members from gaining full access to your account by requiring the 4-digit authentication codes. Here are similar ways that forwarding Flocknote emails leads to an unexpected code sent your way.
- You forwarded an email, and someone clicked on a link inside.
- You copy/paste a tokenized link from an email
- You copy/paste an SMS tokenized link (one that looks like fn2.co/abc123)
- 👋 It's us: If you email Help@flocknote.com we may test a few things to see if we can hunt down the snag you experienced. Though we try to ensure you are alerted about any test messages or emails we may be sending, there are rare cases where this testing/troubleshooting can cause the codes to be sent your way. Nothing to worry about here, we're just testing things out to make sure they're working for you.
If you ever receive an unexpected 4-digit code, feel free to reach out to us at help@flocknote.com. We're happy to help you find the source and to confirm that your account is safe and secure!