How to Delete, Export, or Duplicate a Board

Flocknote Complete

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Export, Duplicate, or Delete a Board:

Export, Duplicate, or Delete a Board: At the top right of your board, there are three icons to Export (into a spreadsheet), Duplicate, or Delete a Board.

To duplicate an existing Board:

Rebuilding the same attendance board again and again for different classes?

Entering the same data in multiple times so you can track it on more than one board?

Duplicating boards is just what you are looking for to save time and effort!

Explore the options below for copying columns, sharing existing data, and linking columns for synchronized data to supercharge your use of Boards.

You can duplicate (copy) a Board to the same group or another group in just a few quick steps. To do this select the Board that you'd like to duplicate (copy) and click on the icon that looks like two overlapping sheets of paper:

From there, a menu will appear allowing you to choose what should happen when duplicating your Board. There are four choices:
  • Board Structure

    • Example:  You created a board to track attendance for all of your class dates for this school year. Rather than recreate that manually in each of your class groups, simply duplicate the board structure, and all the columns with dates you created in the original board will now be ready to go in any group you copy it into.

      Structure & Data

    • Example:  You created a board to track information for students going on a class trip. Each class has its own board. You want to keep a record of this information (emergency contacts, food allergies) by duplicating this board into the top-level group for a master list.

      Share the Board Columns

    • Example:  You create a board that keeps track of sacramental forms and requirements. You want each class to keep track of the same information so you share the board columns. Throughout the year if you add more columns it will update across all of the boards that were copied.

      Share the Entire Board

    • Example: You've created an attendance board that has all of the dates of your program. You create this board in your top-level group and then share this board with all of your subgroups to keep a master list of attendance. As other classes check attendance your original board will update automatically.
Select the option that best fits your needs and a secondary menu will appear for you to enter a name for your new board (in most cases) and choose the Group where the duplicated Board will appear. Click Save and voila—you will have a duplicated Board!
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