How do I send a test note to myself or fellow admins?
Sometimes it's helpful to see how your email will look in members' inboxes before you send it to your members. This is why we offer test notes. Read on to learn how to use this helpful feature, as well as handy tip to get fellow admins' feedback on a note.
To send a test note to yourself:
- Open the group that you created the note for.
- Select the draft from the drafts folder.
- Click the "---" icon on the bottom right.
- Select "Send a test note".
- A popup will appear to give you a heads up that not all buttons/links are fully functional in test notes. Select "Send me a test note".
Easy peasy! A test email will be sent to the email address that you used to log into Flocknote at the time you pressed that button.
To send a test note to fellow admins for feedback:
While we technically don't offer a way to send test notes to other people, an easy workaround is to simply send your fellow staff members your note. They can provide feedback as comments. When you're ready to apply their feedback, simply duplicate the note, apply your edits, and then you can send that final version to your members. 👍
Learn how to duplicate a note with the article at the bottom of the page. :)