How do I add an existing member from one group to another?

Here are steps to add an existing member to another group:

  1. Click on the People tab for a group they are already a member of (or the People tab of the Everyone group).
  2. Find the member's name and click to open their profile.
  3. Their extended profile will slide in from the right side of your page.
  4. Select the Groups tab in their extended profile.
  5. You will then be able to see the groups they are already in along with their selected notification settings for those groups. Located underneath all their groups will be a link that says Add to another group.
  6. Click Add to another group and select the group you would like to add them to. Once you've selected this group you should see the selected group appear under their listed groups. This means you've added them successfully! 

Please note: you can also import a spreadsheet of members to any subgroup. If a person is already in the network but also on your spreadsheet, the system will recognize and weed out duplicates. That means that the member will be added to your new group, but won't be counted as two members in the network. Hooray!

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