How do I find my church or organization on Flocknote?

If you're looking for your church or organization on Flocknote, simply visit for a list of Flocknote churches in your area. 

Enter in the city or zip code and click "search" or hit "enter" on your keyboard. A list of churches matching that criteria will appear and you can scroll to find if your church is listed. When found, click on your church and then click "sign me up" to be added to the network. If you know you have already been added by an admin, you can simply click "login" and use the email and/or phone number that the admin has added you with. 

Don't see your church listed?

Each church or organization that uses flocknote has a unique URL that will connect you directly to them and will walk you through joining so you can receive emails and text messages from the different groups within your church or org. These links look like this: Alternately, each church or organization also has a unique keyword you can text from your cell phone to get connected with them as well. These keywords look like this: 'Text REJOICE to 84576'. Your church or organization has this info, so we recommend reaching out to them first. 

Still stuck? Simply email with your church's name and address and our Happiness Engineers will work to get you connected! 👍

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