Note Delivery FAQs - Will members get my message as an email or text?

One of the great things about Flocknote is that no matter what type of note you're sending, everyone who is in your group is kept in the loop, regardless of the contact info you have on file for them. This makes your job easier because you can get your message to everyone while only sending the note once, and it's ideal for your members, who are receiving the note in a way that is most convenient for them. Win-win! 🏆

Here's how: 

Before sending out each message (whether you are using the email version or the text version of the Note Composer), you'll want to check the Delivery box to ensure the message is going out to all the members you intend to send it to. For instance, if you're writing an email but need it to go to someone who doesn't have an email address OR if you're writing a text but need it to go to someone who doesn't have a cell phone number, you can do this easily! Simply check the Delivery box before sending out each message. 

This is how it looks when using the  email version of the Note Composer. You will want to make sure the option is checked to text (or call if you have enabled phone calls) those who are not opted in to receive emails. If this option is not checked, the members who are not opted in to receive emails will miss the message.

This is how it looks when using the text version of the Note Composer. You will want to make sure the option is checked to email (or call if you have enabled phone calls) those who are not opted in to receive texts. If this option is not checked, the members who are not opted in to receive texts will miss the message.

Why doesn't my message go to everyone automatically? Why do I have to check the Delivery box?

Great question! Because texts and calls are disruptive by nature (but powerful when used well), we want to prevent admins who are working late at night or early morning from accidentally sending out a message they believe is just an email, but is actually going as a text or phone call to some members. To prevent any mishaps, we've ensured the act of sending a message as both an email and as a text is done intentionally. 

How do I know what type of message members are receiving? Can I adjust that for them?

When you send a message (whether it's an email or a text), the member will receive that message just once. The type of message that a member will receive will be determined by their personal notification/delivery settings. These settings can vary by the groups the member is a part of. You'll find these settings (and can adjust them on your end) via the Groups tab of each member's profile.

Blue = ON. Gray = OFF. Based on this, you can see that the member below has opted into several types of messages. For instance, he is open to receiving emails or phone calls for the Bible Study group but prefers texts only for the Youth Ministry group. Learn more about adjusting these settings with the article at the bottom of the page. 

What if the member has opted into both emails and texts? Will they receive two messages?

No, if a member has opted into both emails and texts, they will still receive just one message. Since they are open to both emails and texts, the type of message they receive will default to the type of message that is sent. For example, if you use the email version of the Note Composer, they will receive that message as an email. If you use the text version of the Note Composer, they will receive that message as a text. 

Still have questions? Please send an email to and our Happiness Engineers will be happy to help! 👍

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